MC2 – Radio Monte Carlo 2 on Alexa and Google Assistant
After having founded and brought to success Radio 105, Radio Monte Carlo in Italy and Virgin Radio Italy, Alberto Hazan is today the publisher of MC2, a bouquet of web radio stations with a fine sound, made up of a main channel and a dozen thematic.

«We looked for highly distinctive musical styles – explained Alberto Hazan –, in order to make the brand’s personality always recognizable. With a sartorial work we try to create a sound, atmospheres and suggestions that push the listener to constantly connect with MC2. We have tried to distance ourselves from other commercial radio stations which have now saturated the market».
«The substantial difference compared to the offer of music on demand or managed by algorithms, typical for example of Spotify, is that MC2’s web radios are based on a selection and programming curated by experts – continues Hazan -. Each channel is to all intents and purposes a single program broadcast simultaneously to all connected people, as happens in traditional radio. This makes the listener perceive the typical human contribution of the radio, offering an entertainment alternative to the cold proposal of digital platforms».

The technology for MC2 – Radio Monte Carlo 2
Advertising, on these stations broadcast exclusively via the Internet, is planned by the agencies through special audio AD Servers, with the possibility of distinctly hitting the target of the single listener.
Compared to traditional radio, the audience measurement system has changed: «Advertising spaces are paid for by advertisers by calculating exactly the “heads” reached by each spot. Therefore – concludes Alberto Hazan – we need to find a niche where the offer is lacking and retain listeners with a good product and some appropriately planned techniques». In this way, contacts and the duration of listening sessions can be maximized, consequently increasing the number of audio impressions provided.
Advertisements are inserted into audio streams using the AdsWizz system. In the schedule there are some jingles that contain tones on inaudible frequencies following which AdsWizz can insert, perfectly accompanying the program, one or more commercials targeted on the individual user based on his profile. At the end of these commercial breaks, thanks to automatic synchrony and timeshifting functions which avoid abrupt cuts or annoying fillers, the MC2 programs resume with the same content for all listeners, as in the broadcast radio model.
MC2’s music is programmed with GSelector and transmitted with Zetta, RCS Sound Software’s systems that have been designed with particular attention to multi-channel radio. Even the audio is taken care of: the main channel uses an Omnia processor, while the thematic channels are processed with Sound4.
Again with the aim of multiplying listening opportunities, MC2’s Alexa Skills and Google Actions were published, created by Open Radio. There is one for each channel, so you can access your favorite music selection with a simple voice request. This, alongside the website and the app for mobile devices, helps to consolidate stationary listening through smart speakers, which can easily replace the functions of the traditional table radio.

Skills and Actions
Software for Alexa and Google Assistant.
Connected touchpoints
Smart speakers
Amazon Echo series, Google Home, Nest etc.

Increase the potential of your station!
Open Radio,
digital audio Ecosystem.
With the human touch.
Open Radio,
digital audio Ecosystem.
With the
human touch.
Artificial intelligence and software for digital audio.
Service providers integrated in platform.
Editorial, technical and commercial skills.
Traditional and digital publishers, agencies.