M-Caster: your bridge to multi-platform delivery.

your bridge
to multi-platform

M-Caster: your bridge
to multi-platform delivery.

M-Caster Lite

Podcast hosting and management.

M-Caster Publisher

Turn written text into podcasts.

M-Caster Pro

Turn radio shows into podcasts.

Manage your podcasts without repetitive work!

More products and services
from Open Radio…

More products
and services
from Open Radio…

More products and services
from Open Radio…


Skills and Actions

Software for Alexa and Google Assistant.


Synchronized IP-based STL network.

Amazon Fire TV

Audio applications, solutions for brands.


Redundant point-to-point IP connection.

Contact Open Radio team.

Open Radio team.

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VAT: IT 03852720162
VAT: IT 03852720162

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