Auto Recorder

Auto Recorder allows you to automatically obtain audio files with the recording of programs broadcast on the radio, useful for rebroadcast or for on-demand delivery on digital platforms.

When the playout software already used by the broadcaster is not equipped with an automatic background recorder, or when the functions of this recorder are limited, Open Radio’s Auto Recorder can make up for it with appropriate features and the control of many details.

Auto Recorder is installed on-premises and connected in different ways to the playout system, depending on its characteristics. In this way it will be possible to accurately record the integral programs or the segments that compose them, in complete automation and even discarding the parts that you do not want to keep. At the end of each episode, Auto Recorder can upload audio files via FTP to servers intended for the digital distribution of content.

The developer remotely deals directly with the installation of the Auto Recorder, making any customizations of the interface for connection with the playout software if necessary.

Application case

Radio and TV stations

Radio and TV broadcasters who want to automatically and accurately record the audio track of their programs as they are being broadcast, for distribution on demand, without any manual steps or extra work for their staff.

How does Auto Recorder work?

Auto Recorder is installed on a computer where the radio programs are broadcast. Whenever Auto Recorder intercepts the title of a broadcast item to which an action has been linked, it executes it. Auto Recoder can be configured with a web based interface, therefore also remotely, if you decide to enable this function.

During the configuration phase, the programs to be recorded and the titles of the events to which an action concerning their recording must be associated are entered: start, pause, resume, stop. A number of other parameters are also set, such as the recording format and the FTP destination for the recorded audio files. Thanks to Auto Recorder, Open Radio’s M-Caster will publish the radio catch-up content as podcasts, without any additional work.

In this video, an example of Auto Recorder application to record a news bulletin between two songs:

  • top left, Auto Recorder with its schedule and status in real time
  • at the bottom left, the folder where the audio file will be saved locally as soon as recorded by Auto Recorder 
  • on the right, the software playout of the demo radio station (in this case DirEttore).




No manual editing required

Broadcast programs are automatically recorded and uploaded to server.


Tailored to your station

Depending on the type of software you use, we adapt the link.


A specialist helps you

Support of a developer for installation and configuration.


You will talk to radio people

No chat bots: you will appreciate human support to solve problems.

Automate your program recordings!

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